Guidelines for Authors
Manuscript Preparation: Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the journal's specific formatting and styling guidelines. This includes adherence to the prescribed citation styles, formatting of tables and figures, and the organization of sections within the manuscript.
Originality and Plagiarism: Submissions must be original works not previously published or under consideration by another journal. Authors should ensure their work is free from plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.
Ethical Considerations: Research involving human participants or animals should have received appropriate ethical approval. Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and acknowledge all funding sources supporting the work.
Submission Process: Authors should submit their manuscripts to, including all necessary documents and information as requested by the journal, such as cover letters, figures, and tables.
Revision and Feedback: Authors should be prepared to revise their manuscripts based on feedback from reviewers and editors. Timely and considerate responses to revision requests are essential for the progression of the review process.
Article Types
Original Research Articles
Original research articles report on significant, novel findings from empirical studies conducted in the fields of education, science, and technology. These contributions should present original research that adds to the body of knowledge, supported by thorough analysis and interpretation of data.
Word Count: Minimum 3,000 words, maximum 8,000 words, including abstract, references, and appendices.
Review Articles
Review articles synthesize current research on a specific topic, offering a critical analysis of the literature to identify trends, gaps, and emerging directions. These articles should provide a comprehensive overview of the subject matter, drawing from a wide range of sources.
Word Count: Minimum 4,000 words, maximum 10,000 words, including abstract, references, and appendices.
Case Studies
Case studies offer an in-depth examination of a particular case (an event, process, or subject) of significance in education, science, or technology, contributing valuable insights and practical implications. These articles should detail the context, methodology, findings, and implications of the case.
Word Count: Minimum 2,500 words, maximum 7,000 words, including abstract, references, and appendices.
Short Communications
Short communications are brief reports of preliminary results or new research findings that are of immediate interest and significance to the community. These concise articles allow researchers to share novel ideas or findings rapidly.
Word Count: Up to 2,500 words, including abstract, references, and any figures or tables.
Commentary and Opinion Pieces
Commentary and opinion pieces allow authors to express views on current trends, policies, or practices in education, science, and technology. These articles should provide insightful analysis or perspectives, stimulating discussion among the journal's readership.
Word Count: Up to 1,500 words, including references.
Submission Notes for Authors
Abstract and Keywords: Each submission must begin with an abstract summarizing the main findings and contributions of the paper. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. Following the abstract, please provide 4-6 keywords that reflect the core themes of your article.
Referencing Style: All submissions must adhere to the APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style for in-text citations and the reference list. This style facilitates a uniform format for academic writing, particularly in the sciences.
Figures and Tables: Incorporate figures and tables to supplement and clarify the data presented in your manuscript. Please ensure that each figure and table is accompanied by a concise caption and referenced within the text. Note that the placement of figures and tables should be indicated within the manuscript, and the actual items should be provided in separate files or at the end of the document.
Copyrights: By submitting your manuscript to JEST, you agree to transfer copyright to the journal upon acceptance. Authors retain significant rights, including the use of their work for non-commercial purposes and the ability to share their work under certain conditions. Detailed copyright information will be provided upon acceptance.
Formatting Requirements:
Font Size: All text should be in font size 12.
Line Spacing: The manuscript should have a 1.5 line spacing to ensure readability.
Margins: Ensure that your document has 1-inch margins on all sides.
Page Numbering: Pages should be numbered consecutively.
To assist with formatting, we provide a template that outlines the structure and style of a typical JEST article. This template is available for download, click here. Using this template is highly recommended to ensure your manuscript meets our formatting standards.
Submission Process
Once your manuscript is prepared according to the above guidelines, please email the completed article as an attachment to Ensure that your email includes the title of the paper and the contact details of the corresponding author.
Guidelines for Reviewers
Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat the review process and the manuscripts they review as confidential, not discussing them with others without the explicit permission of the editor.
Objectivity and Constructiveness: Reviews should be conducted objectively and constructively, providing clear and reasoned feedback to authors on how to improve their work, without personal criticism.
Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should disclose any conflicts of interest that might bias their reviews and decline to review manuscripts where such conflicts exist.
Timeliness: Reviewers are expected to complete their reviews within the specified timeline to ensure a smooth and efficient review process.
Ethical Considerations: Reviewers should alert the editor to any ethical concerns with the manuscript, including potential plagiarism, unethical research practices, or data fabrication/falsification.
Guidelines for Editors
Fair Play: Editors should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
Confidentiality: Editors must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.
Decision-Making: Editors are responsible for making decisions on which manuscripts are suitable for publication in the journal, taking into consideration the peer-reviewers' feedback, the relevance and originality of the manuscript, and the journal's scope and standards.
Conflict of Interest: Editors should recuse themselves from handling manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.
Vigilance Over Ethical Issues: Editors should take reasonable responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper.
These guidelines serve as a foundational framework to uphold the principles of integrity, fairness, and responsibility in the publication process of JEST. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that the journal can maintain the highest standards of academic publishing.